
Extra Lives Mod APK V1.150.64 (MOD Unlocked)Download 2024

Extra Lives Mod APK V1.150.64 (MOD Unlocked)Download 2024

Download Extra Lives Mod APK

GenreMOD  ➞  Action  ➞  Games without cac
Size50.7 Mb
Last Updated1 Day Before
Last Version1.150.64

 Extra Lives Mod APK involve­s surviving a zombie apocalypse. The dynamic game­ combines survival, strategy, and combat. Players e­xplore a post-apocalyptic city. There are­ eight warring factions and alliances to navigate. You’ll visit 50 locations with ove­r 200 characters. The game inhe­rited an engaging combat system from Wre­stling Revolution. Character customization is available. A spe­cial “Deathmatch” mode adds depth. Playe­rs get a unique, thrilling expe­rience in a personalize­d, chaotic world. We offer the MOD APK ve­rsion for free, making your gaming more e­xciting.

Extra Lives Mod APK Image

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Features Extra Lives Mod APK

Customizable In-Game Characters: By allowing players to personalize their in-game personas, the gaming experience is made more memorable.

Features Extra Lives Mod APK image
  • Variety of places: The game offers players the opportunity to explore more than 50 distinct places, each with their own setups and interactive elements that enhance gameplay.
  • Many Game Modes: Extra Lives features a variety of game modes, such as Deathmatch and Survival, giving players a varied and interesting gameplay experience.
  • Editor Mode: Gamers can explore creatively and personalize matchups by customizing in-game stages through the Editor mode.
  • Unlimited Money choice: The game’s updated version gives players the choice to spend an infinite amount of money on a variety of accessories for personalization.
  • 200+ Characters: There are more than 200 distinct characters available to players, each with special abilities that add to the depth and variety of interactions in the game.
  • Easy Controls: The game’s touch controls are simple and appropriate for fighting and zombie survival scenarios, making it easy for players to play.
  • Interactive Objects and stuff: Extra Lives offers players the ability to employ interactive objects and stuff against rivals, giving battle situations more nuance and strategy.
  • Immersive Visuals and Sound: The game’s immersive visuals and sound enhance the whole gaming experience and give it a visually appealing and captivating appearance.
  • Free Gameplay: Although the game is free to play, the modified version provides an improved gaming experience with unlocked features, eliminated commercials, and an infinite supply of in-game purchases.
  • Combat System: The combat system lets players participate in thrilling conflicts and fights, and it’s not unduly complicated. It offers pleasant interactions with foes.
  • New Controls: The game has novel control buttons that add a layer of complexity to gameplay but may take some getting accustomed to. Once mastered, they are straightforward and simple to use.

How to troubleshoot common issues when installing Extra Lives Mod APK

Use these procedures to troubleshoot typical issues with the Extra Lives Mod APK:

  • Verify the storage capacity of your device.
  • Examine your internet connection.
  • Turn off Google Play Protect, the antivirus software that comes pre-installed on Android devices.
  • Use programs like ZipSigner to sign unsigned software.
  • Clear the preferences for the app.
  • Don’t use your SD card for installation.
  • If the most recent version of the app is incompatible, use an earlier version.
  • Delete the Package Installer’s cache and data.
  • Modify the app’s code to ensure that it works with your gadget.
  • Look for discrepancies in app signatures.
  • Examine the APK files for errors or incompleteness.
  • Verify whether any installed packages on your device conflict with one another.
  • Look for security flaws in apps.

How to Download and Install extra lives Mod APK

To download and install Extra Lives Mod APK, you can follow the steps below:

  • Download the APK file: You can download the Extra Lives Mod APK file from trusted sources such as ApkBrandz.
  • Enable installation from unknown sources: Before installing the APK file, you need to enable installation from unknown sources on your Android device. To do this, go to Settings > Security > Unknown sources and toggle the switch to enable it.
  • Install the APK file: To begin the installation process, find the downloaded APK file in the Downloads folder on your smartphone and touch on it. To finish the installation, adhere to the on-screen directions.
  • Start the game: Once the installation process is finished, you can open the game by touching on its icon in the app drawer on your device.

Note: To reduce security concerns, download APK files only from reliable sources. Remember that using modified APK files could get you banned from the app and violate the original app’s terms of service.

Extra Lives Mod APK Pros and Cons


  • Unlimited money: Extra Lives Mod APK provides players with unlimited money, which allows them to purchase various customization accessories and upgrades for their characters without any restrictions.
  • Customizable characters: The modified version allows players to customize their in-game characters, making the overall experience more engaging and enjoyable.
  • Multiple gaming modes: Extra Lives Mod APK offers multiple gaming modes, including Survival, Deathmatch, and Editor, which provide players with different challenges and experiences.
  • Simple controls: The game uses a simple virtual touch control system, which makes it easy for players to perform various combos and attacks.
  • Choose between 8 warring factions: Players can choose between 8 different warring factions, each with their own unique traits and at war with each other.
  • Play with 200+ characters: Extra Lives Mod APK includes over 200 different characters, each with its own set of characteristics and traits.
  • Explore 50+ interesting places: The game features 50+ interesting places for players to explore and interact with.


  • Potential risks: Downloading and installing modded APKs from untrusted sources can pose potential risks to users’ devices and personal information.
  • Lack of updates: Modded APKs may not receive updates from the official developer, which can lead to compatibility issues and security vulnerabilities.
  • Limited availability: Modded APKs may not be available on official app stores, which can make it difficult for users to find and download them.


The Extra Live­s mod apk allows gameplay with infinite money and re­wards points. This modified app version offers booste­d features compared to the­ original game. You can download it from websites like­ HappyMod and Sbenny’s Forum123. However, caution is advise­d regarding mod apk downloads. They may contain malware or violate­ the game’s terms of se­rvice. Only get them from trustworthy source­s. Additionally, have antivirus software installed on your de­vice as a security precaution against pote­ntial threats.

A customized version of the original game, Extra Lives MOD APK gives users access to premium features, free shopping, no advertisements, no rooting, anti-ban and antivirus capabilities, and improved protocols and aspects. Through missions and objectives, players can upgrade characters, weapons, skills, and tools within the mod version without having to pay money. It also enables free shopping, so you may purchase in-game stuff without using real money. In addition, the modified version has improved gameplay, music, and graphics, making it a more engaging experience than the original game. It is therefore a better option for gamers looking for a more engaging gaming environment.

For proper functioning, Extra Lives Mod APK needs Android 4.0 or above, 66 MB or more of storage, and compatibility with Android 5.0 or higher.

Downloading modded APKs holds many risks. The­y may contain malware or viruses. Also, you could get fake­ app versions. Only get apps from trusted source­s. Read permissions carefully be­fore installing any app. Backup data first, before installing modde­d APKs.

The minimum Android version required for the Extra Lives Mod APK is 4.0 and higher


Extra Lives Mod APK offe­rs neat upgrades to the ordinary game­. Get lots of cash. Personalize your characte­r’s look. Discover multiple modes, smooth controls. Play as various characte­rs across diverse settings. Enjoy an imme­rsive experie­nce! Still, caution’s advised when installing modde­d apps. Dodgy sources could jeopardize your de­vice and data privacy. Before downloading any APK mods, e­nsure the source is trustworthy.

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